



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fun Kids Room Decorating Ideas Start With These Design Tips!

COLOR: Choosing bedroom colors for kids is easy. Let them pick. Expect their choices to be brighter, sharper, wilder than yours would be.

My daughter chose bright orange and yellow for her bedroom colors and it was an intuitively smart choice for a smaller north facing bedroom with minimal natural light from one small window. The warm colors brightened the space and, while they did pull the walls and ceiling in, they gave the room a secure, cozy feeling that made the space feel welcoming. Leave it to kids!

You can select three or four additional hues related to your kid's original paint selections to add interest and complexity. Use them as accent paint colors and when choosing accessories.

Don't forget to include the ceiling as another surface to bring to life with color.

CREATIVITY: Imagination is more important than knowledge, a wise man once said. So give your kids ample opportunity to create.

I like sliding doors with blackboard material and chalk so kids can draw to their hearts' content--and, then start over the next day.

Modular furniture can keep a room flexible to accommodate different activities...and, the kids can move it around to create their own layouts. Bulletin boards, mop boards, space for posters and personal artwork... it's all good.

No matter how large or how small the space, the best kid's room decorating idea that I leave with you is to make your child's room conducive to creativity. Creativity can be messy though, so consider linoleum tiles that are easily wiped down. Also washable and paintable wallpapers and sharper, saturated colors that don't easily show dirt and wear.

I hope these ideas inspire you...that they stimulate your creativity to come up with your own kid's room decorating ideas

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