Is rainwater harvesting beneficial or is it just a waste of time? Taking steps to conserve natural resources is essential for sustaining the environment and protecting our water source is a necessity. Without water the human race cannot survive, so anything that is done to preserve the earth's supply is beneficial.
Rainwater harvesting is a simple process that consists of catching rainfall from the roof or other surfaces and storing it for use. You can collect the rain in barrels positioned under the gutter downspouts on your roof or you can set up a more elaborate system that includes storage tanks, filters and a pump.
Every day each American uses approximately 80 to 100 gallons of water. Multiply that by 365 and the number is astounding. Water covers 75 percent of the earth but only 1 percent of that amount is usable. Most of the water on the earth is saltwater, which has too many minerals for human consumption. By substituting rainwater for some of your daily activities, you can save numerous gallons a day.
Decreases Flooding and Runoff
Flooding and runoff due to heavy rains causes soil erosion. The harmful effects of soil erosion include contaminated waterways due to fertilizers and pesticides in the soil and a reduction of stored water in the soil, which hinders plant growth. Erosion also increases the amount of dust in the air, which acts as a pollutant and carries contagious disease organisms.
It's Free
There's not much in life that you can get for free, but rainwater is. There is an upfront cost for a rain barrel or other collection system, however this environmentally friendly purchase will quickly pay for itself and the benefits of harvesting rainwater are priceless.
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